Students participating in Water is Life schools have published a notable list of research reports in recent years. During the Water is Life conferences they had the opportunity to present the results of their Water research. We are extremely proud of the hard work and new insights
delivered by our students.
In partnership with our member schools, we will keep bringing students together at an international level to conduct discussions
and come up with solutions for contemporary and future water issues and challenges.
Reports 2022
Water is life 2022 is hosted by Maurick College, The Netherlands and Raffles Institution Singapore.
- Grey Water Reuse for Agricultural Purposes, Tanatswa Makwembere, Rudairo Chinguwa, Stacey Revai, Arundel School, Zimbabwe – ES1
- AWAS (Automatic Water System) as a clean water distribution device to mitigate the impact of climate change, Muhammad Rizky Pratama, Mochammad Annas Firmansyah, Center for Young Scientists – MAN 1 Jembrana – ES2
- Utilization of banana bunches biochar as an adsorbent to reduce phosphate levels in hand washing wastewater during the COVID-19 pandemic, Keitaro Budi Lesmana, Nayla Jauza Shaliha, Center for Young Scientists – SMA Doremi Excellent School -ES3
- Water Resource of JiuZhai Valley, Jiang Ruoxi, Wang Tianyi, Li Kexin, Chen Yuanzhuo, Chengdu No.7 High School, China – ES4 (Supplement ES4)
- Is it possible to predict blue-green algea? Zoë van den Tillaart, Evy Verhoeven, Marlies van Helvoirt and Lotte Kraneveld. D’Oultremont College, The Netherlands – ES5
- PFAS in the Great Lakes Detroit Country Day School Yellowjackets, Solene DeGaynor, Sophie Endrud, Bashar Fakhoury, Catherine Hiemstra, Detroit Country Day school, USA – ES6
- Effects of air pollution on river ecosystems Benjamin Bührmann, Lisett Düll, Manuel König, Frederike Schmidt Dillmann-Gymnasium, Germany -ES7
- Development of high sensitivity portable test kit for multiple detection of metal ions with minimal amount analysis towards environmental awareness, Passanan Thungprue, Benyapha Attichartpatsorn, Lalittaphat Na-ubon Kiattipoom Rodpun (project advisor), Amara Apilux (project advisor), Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand -ES8
- Immobilisation of tannic acid onto activated carbon from durian peels to improve Cu(II) ion removal, Kanrawi Yaemchabok, Puri Janyacharoen Sarote Boonseng (project advisor), Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand -ES9
- Water Scarcity in the Planet, Anna Gras, Berta Palet, Maialen Arques, Martí Gómez, Rubén Miño, Mare de Deu del Carme, Spain -ES10
- Dike erosion, Yvar van Helvoort, Kieran de Visser, Maurick College, The Netherlands ES11-ES11
- Analysis of a future salmon spawning habitat, Idyn MacLucas, Kiera van den Berg, Camellia Lagan, Alex Longe, Oak Bay High School, Canada – ES12
- Restoration of a potential future salmon spawning habitat, Trinity Dorion, Max Zolbrod, Taya Covaneiro, Bronte Thurbide, Luxy Johnston, Oak Bay High School, Canada -ES13
- Biochar Derived from Chopsticks as an Effective Biosorbent for Pollutant Removal from Wastewater, Sarah NG, Eleanor Chan, Faith Ang, Raffles Institution, Singapore – ES14
- An investigation into the effects of varying pyrolysis temperatures and chitosan modification on the effectiveness of a banana peel biochar in adsorbing tetracycline hydrochloride from a synthetic solution., John-Paul Wee Yi De, Anand Jaswanth, Raffles Institution, Singapore -ES15
- Survival at School: An Investigation Into Water Resources in Times of Natural Disasters, Hannah Tajima, Haruna Oka, Chisato Nagaoka, Yusei Kondo, Makuhari Senior High School, Japan -CS1
- Virtual Water and Japan’s Hidden Dependency, Asuka Nose, Saya Kawase, Shibuya Senior High School, Japan -CS2
- An Estimate of the Reputational Damage to Fukushima’s Fishery Industry Following the Release of ALPS Treated Water, Ayana Shimada, Wakana Furuta, Anju Ito, Kanae Urushihara, Shibuya Senior High School, Japan -CS3
- Wastewater as a Tool to Better Understand and Manage Infectious Disease, Charlotte, Bryony, Vanessa, Penelope, Rebecca, Rainy Abstract, The Bishop Strachan School, Canada -CS4
- The taste of plants and what could influence it, Puck de Quay and Minou Ruijters from the Maurick College, the Netherlands., Maurick College, The Netherlands – CS5
- The Impact of Water on Wuhan in Light of Local Conditions, Guo Qingyu, Zhang Zhihan, Jiang Saina, Gui Zihang, Yang Lingna, Chen Yujie, High school Attached to Wuhan Univeristy, China -CS6
- Circular economy: transforming wastes into goods and changing behavior for charity, Ana Mell Zanatelli, Gabriel Sena, Wagner Pereira, Cristina Vianna, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Unidade Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil. -CS7
- Varginha urban springs, state of preservation, and perspectives for reality changing. Gabriel Araújo, Matheus Silva, Rebecca Beutler, Cristina Vianna, Wagner Silva. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Unidade Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil. -CS8
- DuJiangYan Irrigation System, Zhang Jinfei, Gao Ruofei, Zhang Xibei, Yang Xun, Chengdu No.7 High School, China -SPE1
reports 2020
Water is life 2020 was hosted by Saint Stepehens Episcopal High School, Bradenton, Florida US. (Un-conference, due to COVID)
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, How can district cooling become an efficient and sustainable solution for listed buildings using the example of Viennese state schools
- Indonesia, Center for Young Scientists, Biomimetic zeolite for the removal of heavy metal ions and harmful dye from wastewater
- USA, Detroit Country Day School, The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: Successes and Shortcomings
- Germany, Dillman Gymnasium, Can sparkling water makers minimize our ecological footprint
- Singapore, Hwa Chong Institution, Synthesis of Magnetic Carbonised Banana Peel as a Versatile and Reusable Adsorbent for Water Purification
- Australia, John Monash Science School, Can a New Hydroponics System Help Combat Drought
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, The Influence of the River Danube on the Viennese life quality
- USA, Saint Stephens, The Impact of Sunscreen on the Growth of Red Mangrove Propagules
- Netherlands, Maurick College, Carbon dioxide compensation by use of algae
reports 2018
Water is life 2018 was hosted by Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen, Japan.
- Netherlands, Maurick College, Blue Energy
- China, Beijing National Day School, Research on the Relationship between Economic Growth and the Awareness on Water Protection A Case Study of China and Japan
- China, Beijing National Day School, Research on Major Causes of Eutrophication in Poyang Lake
- Japan, Makuhari, Pursuit of Authentic Water Efficiency by Investigating Regional Waterworks and Historical Backgrounds
- Japan, Shibuya, The Future of Tokyo Bay
- Japan, Shibuya, Use of Filters and UV Rays for a Dual-Filtering System During Disasters
- Brazil, CEFET, Influences of acid precipitation on agricultural cultivars and development of an experimental system of desulphurization
- Brazil, CEFET, Sustainable practices alternatives for a complex problem
- USA, Detroit Country Day School, The Effectiveness of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
- Germany, Dillmann Gymnasium, Tap Versus Bottled Water Water Preferences in Germany
- Spain, Collegi Mare de Deu del Carme, Drinking in life The importance of water
- Denmark, Eisbjerghus, Water usage at Eisbjerghus
- France, Institution St Joseph, The impact of human activity on the rivers water quality of our town, Vervins (Picardie, France).
- Netherlands, Maurick College, SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION OF FOOD
- Netherlands, d’Oultremont, What is the most convenient way of filtering the rainwater
- Canada, Oak Bay High School, Identifying Recyclable and Non-Recyclable Plastic Polymers on Southern Vancouver Island Beaches
- Netherlands, st. Odulphus Lysceum, Rainproof
- Poland, Kopernik, Rybnik lake as an unconventional water reservoir
- USA, Saint Stephens Episcopal School, Effects of Bicarbonate Addition on Montipora capricornis Growth Rate and Photosynthesis
- Singapore, River Valley High, Rejuvenating@Pandan Learn, Appreciate & Bond through H2O
- Singapore, River Valley High School, What is a Water Efficient Canteen
- South Africa, st Andrews College, The effects of natural, bio-absorbent substances on heavy metal removal
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, Methods of the Analysis of Microplastics in Water
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, Bioanalytical Tools in Advanced Water Treatment
- Denmark, Vordingborg Gymnasium, Biomagnification of microplastic in local waters
- Denmark, Vordingborg Gymnasium, Wetland A multifunctional solution
- Australia, John Monash Science School, Water Quality and The Yarra’s Tributaries
- Spain, Collegi Mare de Deu del Carme, Water Supply The Study of Public, Private and Mixed Management Policies
- Japan, International Christian University, Japanese’s extravagant consumption of water and how education can ameliorate the situation
- Japan, Kumon Kokusai Senior High School, The Future of Japan’s Water Supply
- Japan, Chiba Prefectural Narita Kokusai High School, The waste of Water
- Japan, Chiba Prefectural Narita Kokusai High School, Sessui or Saving Water
- Japan, Sakura High School, Preserving the Native Eco-System of Lake Inbanuma
- Japan, Tokyo Gakugei, The quality of Japanese water
- Singapore, Raffles, A Case Study Investigation into the Effectiveness of Waterbody Management Lorong Halus Wetland
- Netherlands, Maurick College, Carbon dioxide compensation by use of algae
- Australia, John Monash Science School, Can a New Hydroponics System Help Combat Drought
reports 2016
Water is life 2016 was hosted by Maurick College, the Netherlands.
- Australia, John Monash Science School, How do biological filters influence biodiversity in urban wetlands
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, Potential of Hydroelectric Power Generation using Micro Turbines in Both Developed and Developing Countries
- Austria, Sir Karl Popper Schule, The Influence of Ski Tourism on Alpine Water Management and Possible Future Developments
- Brazil, CEFET, Impact of Vermicomposting products in soil fertility of degraded Brazilian Cerrado and the perspective to minimize water pollutants release
- Canada, Oak Bay High School, Revitalization of an Urban Riparian Ecosystem
- Canada, William Aberhart High School, Water Conservation In Shower Behaviour Amongst Teenagers
- Canada, William Aberhart High School, Climate Change and Glacial Recession in Canada
- Canada, William Aberhart High School, The effects of simulated acid rain on the growth of Raphanus sativus plants
- Canada, William Aberhart High School, Water Quality Differences Living On and Off Reserve Lands in Canada
- Columbia, Colegio Claustro Moderno, Zarauz, a Birth of Life
- Denmark, Eisbjerghus International School, Rainwater management
- Denmark, Langkaer, Biodiversity in Aarhus
- Denmark, Vordingborg Gymnasium, Water is life
- France, Institution St Joseph, The impact of human activity on the rivers water quality of our town, Vervins (Picardie, France)
- Germany, Dillmann Gymnasium, Lake Constance Water Supply Water Analysis
- Germany, Dillman Gymnasium, Challenges and Chances of Privatization of Water Based on the Local Experiences in Stuttgart
- Germany, Alsdorf, Nitrate-phytoremediation by Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinths)
- Germany, Alsdorf, How much water do we eat Virtual water consumption of students in Germany
- Indonesia, Center for Young Scientists, Social Dynamics of Sundanese People in Water Revilatization of Cikapundung River in Bandung City
- Italy, Liceo Scientifico Carlo Cattaneo di Torino, How can we check and safeguard the quality of waters of river Po
- Italy, Liceo Scientifico Carlo Cattaneo di Torino, The River Po a natural precious resource of water for the City of Turin
- Japan, Makuhari Senior High School, Decreasing Water Usage and Preventing water contamination in the Japanese Household
- Japan, Shibuya Senior High School, Tokyo’s River Management System
- Japan, Shibuya Senior High School, Flash Distillation Netherlands, d’Oultremont College, The Gauging of Pumps
- Netherlands, d’Oultremont College, Parking the storm
- Netherlands, d’Oultremont College, Violent rainwater
- Netherlands, Maurick College, The drowned Land of Saeftinghe of severe ecological importance for the migration of birds
- Netherlands, Maurick College, Water is Life
- Netherlands, Maurick College, Blue Energy
- Netherlands, Odulphus Lyceum, Nuclear Fusion
- Netherlands, Odulphus Lyceum, Sustainable Rainwater
- Poland, Rybnik, What’s up in your tap
- Singapore, Raffles, Investigation of Fruit Peels as Green Roof Filter
- Singapore, Raffles, ABC Waters Learning Trail of Kallang River Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park for preschoolers
- Singapore, Raffles, Cultivation of Marine Microbes for Discovering Bioactive Compounds
- Singapore, River Valley High School, Water Quality of Jurong Eco-Garden Pond System Cleansing Biotope Cells
- South Africa, St Andrews College, The effects of a RSA’s, 100 YEAR DROUGHT, and the way out of it……
- South Africa, Woodhill College, The implications of land use on the state and health of a river system in a semi-arid region of South Africa
- Spain, Collegi Mare de Deu del Carme, Bottled or tap water, consumption patterns, beliefs and organoleptic evaluations of teenagers and teachers in Terrassa (Catalonia, Spain)
- Spain, Collegi Mare de Deu del Carme, Water eutrophication not just a problem in Catalonia but a global one. Studying this process and searching for solutions
- Spain, Jesuites, Use of rainwater collected in school
- Thailand, Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Paper-Based Sensor for Preliminary Screening of Lead in Industrial Wastewater
- Thailand, Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Preparation of Ag modified ZnO composites and their photocatalytic activity
- USA, Detroit Country Day School, A Study on the Inhibition and Lysing Threshold for Algal Blooms Zimbabwe, Arundel School, Arundel Grey Water Recycling Project